Seamlessly Integrating Salesforce and Acumatica with GUMU™

By | April 15, 2024

Salesforce system integration with Acumatica is crucial for streamlining operations and maximizing efficiency. GUMU™ stands at the forefront of this integration, offering a seamless flow of data and functionalities between the two platforms. In this blog, we’ll delve into the core features of GUMU’s integration and explore how they enhance the collaboration between Salesforce CRM and Acumatica.

Integrating Salesforce and Acumatica – Configuration

GUMU™ simplifies the integration process by integrating Salesforce and Acumatica providing easy-to-use configuration user interface. Users can define synchronization rules, and set up data transformation workflows effortlessly. With GUMU’s intuitive interface, configuring the integration to fit your unique business needs becomes a breeze.

Configuration Screen
Configuration Screen
  • Web Service URL: When a User creates a New Integration this feature provides Web Service URL . You access the contract-based REST API through endpoints that configure on the Web Service.
  • Endpoint Name: An endpoint is an entry point to the Acumatica ERP web services.
  • Endpoint Version: The version of an endpoint defines the list of entities, with their actions and fields you can work with through this endpoint. For instance, The endpoint – ‘http://localhost/AcumaticaDB/entity/Default/23.200.001’ has the version 23.200.001 and the Endpoint name as Default.

GUMU Features

  • Dynamic Data Import: One of the standout features of GUMU™ is its dynamic data import capabilities. Whether you’re migrating existing data or syncing new records in real-time, GUMU™ ensures that information flows seamlessly between Salesforce and Acumatica. Automated data synchronization with GUMU™ facilitates seamless integration between Salesforce and Acumatica.
  • Dynamic Promotion: GUMU™ surpasses basic integration capabilities by enabling dynamic promotion of records between Salesforce and Acumatica. It empowers users to promote object data to the available API Entity in Acumatica, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of their business processes. Through the GUMU™ connector, users gain the ability to update entities from business applications to Acumatica software in real-time.
  • Real-time Data Enquiry: GUMU™ provides real-time inquiry capabilities, enabling the direct display of Acumatica’s live data within Salesforce, covering both customer and sales order details. It helps businesses stay updated and make quick decisions, boosting efficiency and productivity.

The details used above allows seamlessly integrating Salesforce and Acumatica which powered by GUMU™ to revolutionizes how businesses operate in today’s interconnected world.

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