Crystal Reports is a business intelligence application used to design and generate reports from a wide range of data sources. As we know Sage CRM also supports Crystal Reports for precise reporting.
In one of the customizations on the current version of Sage CRM I came across an error like “Could not find CLSID for CrystalReports.ActiveXReportViewer” when running crystal reports.
I checked all the necessary settings that were available for crystal report integration in sage CRM and found that everything was fine as well as IIS settings were also good. Below is how I managed to resolve this issue and get my reports going.
1. Reinstall the Crystal Runtime11 viewer (If you are using crystal report 11.).
2. If you are using ASP pages, then make sure that the CLSID entered in the viewer page (SmartViewerActiveX.asp) is similar to the one present at the below mentioned path of registry.
a. Start –> Run.
b. Run regedit command.
c. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT –> CrystalReports.ActiveXReportViewer –> CLSID.