Setting Default Values in CRM

By | October 4, 2011

In Sage CRM we are very much aware of the “Field, Screen, List, Tab, View” etc functionality using whim we are able to do lot of modification Display required field in Screen or List, Allow sorting in List column, Provide hyperlink on List column. The most innocuous but very important of all the requests that come to me are the ones to set the default value on the screen.

This is very obvious as companies now need to store as much information of the customer as possible which can be further used to provide better services, understand trends, do forecasting etc. This causes the entry screen to be cluttered with a lot of fields and not all are mandatory. This would cause some fields to be left blank due to many reasons like it was not applicable to that specific customer or the user was too busy to notice this etc. In such a scenario, the safest way is to set a default value to the entry fields. Now Sage CRM has a lot of different types of fields and the each field has its own way of setting a default value. I have listed them down for your reference.

These steps are common for all hence I am listing them here
1. Go to Administration > Customization > Entity Name > Screen > Screen Name
2. Click on the hyper link
3. Select from field list


1. Textbox
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value =””
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value=”Test”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

2. Multline-Text
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Same as 1 a
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value = “Test”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

3. Phone Number
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value =”55555555″
ii. Click on the Update and save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value=”55555555″
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

4. Email Address
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “”
ii. Click on the Update and save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value = “”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “”
ii. Click on the Update and save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value = “”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button


1. Selection
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value =”Code from the list”
ii. Click on the Update and save button
b. Set Default Value In Field Level
i. Select Default Value from Drop down list
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

2. Multi-Selection
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “Code from list”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button

b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Select Default Value from Drop Down List
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

3. Intelligent-Selection
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “Code from List”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Select Default Value from Drop Down List
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

4. User-Selection
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “Code from Selection”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Select Default Value e.g. “No Default, Specific User, Current User” from Drop Down List
c. If you select Specific User option, then one more drop down list will display all active users list. From this users list you need to select any one user name
d. If you select Current User option, then current logon user name will set in drop down list
e. Click on the Update and Save Button

5. Team-Selection
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “Code from List”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Select Default Value e.g. “No Default, Specific Team, Current User Default Team” from Drop down List
c. If you select Specific Team option, then one more drop down list will display all active team lists. From this team list you need to select any one team name.
d. If you select Current User default team option, then current logon user team name will set in drop down list.
e. Click on the Update and Save Button


1. Integer
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “0.00”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value= “0.00”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

2. Numeric
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “0.00”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value = “0.00”
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

Date Time Field
1. Date Only
a. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Select Default Value e.g. “No Default, Current Date & Time, Current Date plus Delta Mins” from Drop down List
ii. If you select Current Date & Time option, then current date time will set into the field
iii. If you select Current Date plus Delta Mins option, then one new text box will display on the Screen to display the mins.
iv. Click on the Update and Save Button
2. Date Time
a. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Click on the hyperlink
Select Default Value e.g. “No Default, Current Date & Time, Current Date plus Delta Mins” from Drop down List.
ii. If you select Current Date & Time option, then current date time will set into the field.
iii. If you select Current Date plus Delta Mins option, then one new text box will display on the Screen to display the mins.
iv. Click on the Update and Save Button
3. Minutes
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Click on the hyper link
ii. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “30”
iii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. Click on the hyperlink
ii. Enter value in Following Field
Default Value = “30”
iii. Click on the Update and Save Button


6. Check Box
a. Set Default Value using create script
i. Enter following value in create script
Default Value = “Y”
ii. Click on the Update and Save button
b. Set Default Value in Field Level
i. By default check box is unchecked. If you want to checkbox should be check then you need “Check” the checkbox.
ii. Click on the Update and Save Button

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