This functionality would provide user facility to track and creates orders against particular company.
Currently as per the standard Sage CRM functionality, orders and their corresponding line items can be generated from with in Opportunity context. Using this component the generation of orders and their line items would be facilitated from with in company’s context. Thus it would help sorting of orders in accordance with the Company to which they are attached.
The user could see the tab called “Orders” against Company.
By clicking on this tab, a list of all orders generated against that particular company will be displayed. Also, a filter is provided to sort the list of orders with their reference and Status.
By clicking on new button user could generate new order for that company.
Once the order is created, Opportunity for that order would be auto generated and the user could generate New Line Items for that order.
Further, the user can use all standard functionalities Provided along with the order generation like Generating Notes, Communications and attach Documents.