Sage CRM version 7.0 onwards when integrated with Sage ERP gives you the web interface for creating Orders and Quotations in ERP. Earlier workstation dependent OCX screens used to open which used to take lot of time for downloading and opening. So Web interface does help a lot performance wise. However as the module is developed purely in SWT (Sage web toolkit) based on GWT (Google web toolkit) technology there are limitations to the extent it can be customized. My team has done several such customizations and posted the same on this blog site.
GUMU Solution: Customize Sage CRM Order Screens to Promote Orders into Sage 300 ERP
Recently, while working on an integrated implementation we came across a requirement where customer wanted to send Proforma Invoice being on the Order screen itself and that too in a specified format. With our technological expertise, our development team had made this piece of requirement working which I have explained in subsequent sections of this blog.
As soon as new order is created against an opportunity the screen will look like as below which will have a link to send Proforma Invoice to customer. Below is the screenshot for your reference.
Clicking on Send PI hyperlink from Summary screen of an order it will prompt user whether to proceed ahead with sending Proforma Invoice or not. Below is the screenshot for your reference.
Before sending the Proforma Invoice to customer, system will ask for the Email Address confirmation. By default it will display Email address of the selected Person in a pop up window.
However, user will have a choice to change the email address and accordingly Email can be send over to the added recipient. For your reference, screenshot of the same is added below.
Let us see what all actions system will take when Send button from above screen is pressed by user.
A.Merging Document
B. Sending Email
C. Creating Email out Communication
Merging Document: The Proforma Invoice which customer will be receiving needs to be generated in a particular format. So, for this we are keeping a folder containing format of the invoice on the server. This format will be merged on the run time when Send button shown above is clicked.
Here, for merging we are using document merging functionality of CRM and this document will be used by Order entity only.
Sending Email: To send email to customer an email template will be created in CRM. The document merged above with our utility will also be attached while sending email to customer.
Creating Email out Communication: As soon as email goes out from system our utility will auto create an Email out communication against the Opportunity. This communication will contain the details of email and attachment shared with the customer. The screenshot of the same is added below for your reference.
Anyone interested in working component please drop us an email at
Also Read:
1) HTML Template Merging – Sage CRM 7.1 SP2
2) Adding Document Filing and Mail Merge functionality to Custom Entities
3) Print Current Date on Mail Merge Document in Sage CRM
4) Customize Sage CRM Order Screens to Promote Orders into Sage 300 ERP
5) Adding new fields on Web Order Item Entry screen
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