Remove hyperlink on Search Select advance field

By | June 6, 2009

Suppose that you create one custom entity named “Jobs” which is a child entity to the “Company” entity. So it is very much obivious that you will provide the Search Select Advance field on the entry screen of this custom entity to select the Company assigned with that particular record. After selecting the company value and clicking on Save button the value of search select advance will be saved at the back-end against that particular Job record.

Now, why this much explaination about SSA field???

Basically, from the SSA field if we select any value, we can see the hyperlink below the selected record. Clicking this hyperlink opens the new pop up window in which you can see the summary page for that particular entity record.

Now, as you all know that we always find the navigation and page crashing errors in this particular area of CRM. Sometimes you may even think to disable this functionality, i.e. you may think ofdisabling this hyperlink. Here is the script using which you can achieve this.

You just have to put this script in the Custom Content section of the Screen. (Click the image to enlarge the same)

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