One of the many wonderful things that I experience after being associated with Sage is the very closely knit and ever ready to assist attitude of the company and the fellow development and reseller friends. As a development partner if at all I need some assistance then in any of the Sage product lines, first you think not the Gods and it’s not even the Sage Support but the wonderfully managed development partner forums and blogs. In a highly unlikely situation, if you are not able get a solution you then look at heavens for help (via Sage Support ) .
In one such case, I came across a request on the forum to increase the workflow button size. This was not a normal question but very much applicable in our daily business process. I was wondering as to what we did not come across this request earlier. Not sure, but one of enthusiastic partner was ready with the solution and here is what we got.
Add the below code onload of any screen in any page that contain a workflow buttons, but the original screens will shrink as much as the workflow box stretch.
Another Gem. Fantastic, long live forums!!!
Note: Please click the images to enlarge them.