Document Merge Tracker

By | May 15, 2009

Document Merge is a realy nice feature provided by Sage CRM. You can perform this action against any of the Primary entity in CRM. Think, if you can keep a track on all these document merge activities.

Well, here is the tool you must look for named “Document Merge Tracker“.

What it does???

It keeps track of the document merge activities for the entities.

How to set Document Merge Tracker against any entity?

After istalling this component, you may see a new tab in the MY CRM area named “Document Merge Tracking” where you can see the drop down box to select any entity and then click Continue button for this tool to be enabled for an entity of your choice.

Suppose you select Company entity here, then you may be able to track all the letter out communications for Company entity under the tab named Document Merge Tracking against any company.

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