Key Attribute Data

By | November 13, 2010

Everyone must be aware of SageCRM standard functionality of Key attribute Data which is used for setting dynamic data associated with primary entities. (i.e. Companies, Cases, Leads, Opportunities)

These Key Attribute sets are divided into user defined categories and System categories. See screen shot below.

SageCRM standard functionality of Key attribute Data

Recently I came across a scenario of displaying Key attribute data of particular company from within the Cases created for the same company. However, this can’t be achieved using the standard CRM way. To do the same, create a new tab within Case entity and call a custom ASP page. An ASP page reads data from various table. Firstly, you need to identify the tables that come into play while customizing the above mentioned requirement.

The Key Attribute data is defined and held a set of tables prefixed with “DD”.

• ddata

• ddcategory

• ddentryheader

• ddentrypoints

• ddfield

You just need to identify the relationship between the tables and use it in your ASP page. That’s it. You can view the KAD (Key Attribute Data) from within the Case which is same as at company level to make your navigation less from Case to Company and again back from Company to Case.

For queries regarding the functionality, please feel free to drop us an email at