Changing max allowable length of Text field using Jquery

By | March 11, 2013

In my earlier blog, I have explained how to restrict a length of Sage CRM text field on screen block using JavaScript.
Here is how you can achieve the same using JQuery. Here explaining the example with Company Name field on Company screen.
1) I have input text field on CRM screen with field name “comp_name” and I want this field allow maximum 10 characters in it.
2) Open Screen customization through Administration [Entity name] | Screens | [Screen name].
3) Paste below jQuery code in Custom Content area.
//Assign Max Input length..
var iInputWidthText = 10;
var iInputWidthTextarea = 10;
//’Create Id for all the textarea fields in the screen..
var sFldName = $(this).attr(“comp_name“)
 //’Text input Restriction for Input length..
if($(this).val().length >= iInputWidthText) {
$(this).val($(this).val().slice(0, iInputWidthText));
return false;
                //Teatarea Restriction for Input length..
if($(this).val().length > iInputWidthTextarea) {
$(this).val($(this).val().slice(0, iInputWidthTextarea));
return false;
4. Click on save button and check comp_name field will not allow more than 10 characters in it.
5. The above code will work for multiline text box also (i.e. Textarea). You just need to change ‘textarea#comp_note’ with field name.