Creating SSA field dynamically using Sage CRM .NET API

By | November 28, 2016

SSA fields in Sage CRM provides efficient way of storing data in Sage CRM. We can create SSA fields in Sage CRM for any entity and can save it.
Apart from creating actual field in Sage CRM (which create field in Sage CRM Database), there is another way which we can use to create SSA field just on the entry screen for display purpose. This field can be displayed on the fly on the entry screen and can have all the functionality which any standard SSA field can have without creating it actually in the Sage CRM database.

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We had a requirement where we wanted to display quantity on hand information in Sage CRM using ERP data for selected item. For selecting and searching item, we had created an SSA field which actually does not exist in Sage CRM.
We used below code for achieving this functionality.
SSA Field Code
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Greytrix is one stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM needs. We provide complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third party add-on development and implementation expertise.
Greytrix has some unique integration solutions for Sage CRM with Sage ERP’s (Sage X3Sage 100Sage 500 and Sage 300). It also offers best-in-class Sage ERP customization and development services to Business Partners, End Users and Sage PSG worldwide. Greytrix helps in migrating to Sage CRM from ACTGoldmine and other CRM’s.
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