How to identify duplicate records using the Salesforce report

By | April 27, 2024

In this blog post, we will explore the process of how to identify duplicate records using the Salesforce reports. By generating a Salesforce report, users can efficiently pinpoint duplicate records within their Salesforce database. This approach helps in maintaining data accuracy and streamlining data management processes. Resolving duplicates enhances data quality and optimizes efficiency in Salesforce operations.

Steps to identify duplicate records using the Salesforce report

  • Navigate to Salesforce Reports and click on “Create New Report.”
  • Select the appropriate Report Type that matches the records you wish to identify duplicates for. This report type help user to visualize and identify duplicate records using the Salesforce report.
Report Type
Report Type
  • To identify duplicate account records based on their names, group the accounts by their names.
Group Rows
Group Rows
  • Next, click on the downward arrow next to “Columns” and choose “Add Summary Formula.”
Adding Summary Formula
Adding Summary Formula
  • Create a new column with a name and description, then choose the desired formula output type and this will help user identify duplicate records using the Salesforce.
Formula Details
Formula Details
  • Then, input the following formula into the formula editor, and select the desired groups, followed by choosing “Account Name.”
Summary Formula
Summary Formula
  • To enhance visualization, choose the “Conditional Formatting” option and set up a new conditional formatting rule. Finally, save and apply the rule.
Conditional Formatting
  • Assign a suitable name for the Salesforce report, then execute the report and review the identified duplicate records.
identify duplicate records using the Salesforce report
Run Report

By following the above blog instructions, you will be able to learn How to identify duplicate records using salesforce report.

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