Tag Archives: Salesforce lightning component bundle

Mastering Mobile Navigation: Salesforce’s NavigationMixin Unleashed

Salesforce’s NavigationMixin – In the rapidly evolving realm of mobile app development, user experience holds paramount importance. Every tap, swipe, and interaction plays a significant role in sculpting an intuitive and fluid journey for users. Salesforce, with its comprehensive ecosystem and cutting-edge tools, remains at the forefront of empowering developers to craft outstanding mobile experiences.… Read More »

Navigation Service in LWC

In this blog, we are going to discuss “Navigation Service in LWC” which is used to create a new account from an Account record page. This is not just limited to creating a new account you can perform various other tasks with it like going to the account list view, Creating a contact from the… Read More »

How to Use Static Resources In LWC

You will learn more about static resources and their applications in Salesforce by reading our blog post on “How to Use Static Resources In LWC.” Generally speaking, static resources let you upload files (like.zip and.jar archives), graphics, and style sheets that you may use as references on a Visualforce page. Steps on “How to Use… Read More »

Displaying Types of Toast Message in Lightning Web component

In this blog, we are going to discuss on Displaying Types of Toast Message in Lightning Web component which pops up an alert of Success, error, warning, and Info message for users. A Toast message simply provides information to alert users. Toast messages i.e., ShowToastEvent also support Experience Builder sites but are not supported in… Read More »

Custom Approval Process in Salesforce – Part 2

In continuation to our previous blog, where we worked on the UI for Approver. In this blog, we will be working on the functionality & also build UI. ApproverOrReject.cmp The above code will create the UI for the Approver Screen as shown below, Approver Screen Here Approver can write their comment prior to Approval or Rejection… Read More »

Custom Approval Process in Salesforce – Part 1

In this blog, we will discuss how to Create Custom Approval Process. But, the Purpose of creating Custom Approval Process is when the client wants any addition in Approval UI or any validation on Approval screen then we can’t achieve that because of Standard Functionality, so then we have created our own Approval Process. So… Read More »

How to create a dynamic multi-filter object in Salesforce-Part II

In continuation to our previous blog, where we worked on the UI for the dynamic multi-filter object. In this blog, we will be working on the back process/functionality. GetFieldsListController.js GetFieldsHelper.js Output: – Filter-input When you hit that Add button, it will get added to the filter, as shown in the image below. Multi-filter Added In… Read More »

How to create a dynamic multi-filter object in Salesforce-Part I

In this blog, we will discuss how to create dynamic multi-filter objects in Salesforce. Dynamic Filter is critical when we deal with a large set of data. It gives the required set of data instant of spending time on the static data. It helps users to deal with data easily. But, Salesforce does not provide… Read More »

Key Event/Listener in LWC (Lightning Web Component)

Lot of times user needs to enter data quickly.  In this case we would like to share with you how we have built a custom screen to enter Order Lines data quickly. But we had a unique requirement is that wherein when the user enters ENTER keyword, control needs to go to next line on… Read More »

How to Display Toasts or Notices using Lightning : NotificationLibrary

In this blog, we will discuss on how to display messages via toast or notices using Lightning:NotificationLibrary component. Lightning:NotificationLibrary Lightning:NotificationLibrary component provides an easy way to display messages via toasts or notices. However, Toast message helps in providing feedback to users. Above all, a toast message can be closed automatically after the predefined period of… Read More »