In this blog, we are going to discuss on Displaying Types of Toast Message in Lightning Web component which pops up an alert of Success, error, warning, and Info message for users.
A Toast message simply provides information to alert users.
Toast messages i.e., ShowToastEvent also support Experience Builder sites but are not supported in login pages in ExperienceBuilder sites.
To display a toast message in Lightning Experience we need to import ShowToastEvent from the lightning/platformShowToastEvent module.
Before doing source code you have to follow these steps below –
- Create a lightning web component page using visual studio code.
- Give any name to an LWC page as we are giving as toastExample. Use Control Shift P and select SFDX: Create lightning Web Component.
- Or you can also go for using control shift P is go to View and select command Palette.
- We are using this command palette to create SFDX: Create lightning Web Component. and authorize our org.
- Now you are ready to do the source code let’s start and understand the below example with Js, Html, and XML page on visual studio code.

This is the XML page where we want to show our alert message or notification.

Now let’s add this Toast LWC on the Home Page.

Now after a button click, you can see the alert on Home Page –

Using the above steps we hope that you are able to add Toast Messages to your LWC application/screens.
We hope that you find this blog helpful, if you still have queries, don’t hesitate to contact us at
About Us
Greytrix – a globally recognized and one of the oldest Sage Development Partner and a Salesforce Product development partner offers a wide variety of integration products and services to the end users as well as to the Partners and Sage PSG across the globe. We offer Consultation, Configuration, Training and support services in out-of-the-box functionality as well as customizations to incorporate custom business rules and functionalities that require apex code incorporation into the Salesforce platform.
Greytrix has some unique solutions for Cloud CRM such as Salesforce Sage integration for Sage X3, Sage 100 and Sage 300 (Sage Accpac). We also offer best-in-class Cloud CRM Salesforce customization and development services along with services such as Salesforce Data Migration, Integrated App development, Custom App development and Technical Support business partners and end users.
Salesforce Cloud CRM integration offered by Greytrix works with Lightning web components and supports standard opportunity workflow. Greytrix GUMU™ integration for Sage ERP – Salesforce is a 5-star rated app listed on Salesforce AppExchange.
The GUMU™ Cloud framework by Greytrix forms the backbone of cloud integrations that are managed in real-time for processing and execution of application programs at the click of a button.
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