Tag Archives: salesforce lightning component

How to Create Multi-Select Pick-list Field Using Lightning Web Component

This blog will help you learn about creating Multi-Select pick-list field using Lightning Web Component thus allowing users to select multiple pick-list values in any standard Salesforce object field. To implement Multi-Select pick-list we need a very basic UI with two standard lightning web component: lightning-combo box lightning-pill To start with, we will use lightning-combo… Read More »

Custom Approval Process in Salesforce – Part 2

In continuation to our previous blog, where we worked on the UI for Approver. In this blog, we will be working on the functionality & also build UI. ApproverOrReject.cmp The above code will create the UI for the Approver Screen as shown below, Approver Screen Here Approver can write their comment prior to Approval or Rejection… Read More »

Custom Approval Process in Salesforce – Part 1

In this blog, we will discuss how to Create Custom Approval Process. But, the Purpose of creating Custom Approval Process is when the client wants any addition in Approval UI or any validation on Approval screen then we can’t achieve that because of Standard Functionality, so then we have created our own Approval Process. So… Read More »

How to Create (and Implement) Custom Salesforce Notification using Process Builder

This blog will discuss how to create Custom Salesforce Notification using the Process Builder Salesforce platform. We have considered the Order Creation process, but it can be enhanced and used for any procedure. Below are the steps for Creating a new “Custom Notification” using Process Builder for Custom Objects using Process Builder. Steps to Define… Read More »

The @track Decorator Is No Longer Required for Lightning Web Component but with one Exception

We are referring here to Spring ’20 Release Notes available on the Salesforce help section. We have removed the @track decorator from all the variables in our test project, but it was not working for the few variables. After more detail, we found one exception while removing the @track decorator, i.e., when using objects. So,… Read More »

How to create a dynamic multi-filter object in Salesforce-Part II

In continuation to our previous blog, where we worked on the UI for the dynamic multi-filter object. In this blog, we will be working on the back process/functionality. GetFieldsListController.js GetFieldsHelper.js Output: – Filter-input When you hit that Add button, it will get added to the filter, as shown in the image below. Multi-filter Added In… Read More »

How to create a dynamic multi-filter object in Salesforce-Part I

In this blog, we will discuss how to create dynamic multi-filter objects in Salesforce. Dynamic Filter is critical when we deal with a large set of data. It gives the required set of data instant of spending time on the static data. It helps users to deal with data easily. But, Salesforce does not provide… Read More »

Key Event/Listener in LWC (Lightning Web Component)

Lot of times user needs to enter data quickly.  In this case we would like to share with you how we have built a custom screen to enter Order Lines data quickly. But we had a unique requirement is that wherein when the user enters ENTER keyword, control needs to go to next line on… Read More »

How to remove Apex Code from Production Environment

It is fairly effortless to delete an unwanted apex class or trigger in a Sandbox Environment. On the other hand, Unlike the Sandbox environment, it is not possible to delete code from Production environment just by clicking in the DELETE Button. Here are some methods that may work for you. NOTE: Please consider that deleting… Read More »

How to Display Toasts or Notices using Lightning : NotificationLibrary

In this blog, we will discuss on how to display messages via toast or notices using Lightning:NotificationLibrary component. Lightning:NotificationLibrary Lightning:NotificationLibrary component provides an easy way to display messages via toasts or notices. However, Toast message helps in providing feedback to users. Above all, a toast message can be closed automatically after the predefined period of… Read More »