In todays business world Sales Management Process plays a vital role. Sage CRM is one of the players in market who has made available a well organized way to deal with a Sales process using Leads and opportunities in CRM. It has also provided efficient way to integrate CRM and ACCPAC ERP to maintain the Customers and Orders data.
In order to manage the leads and opportunities worldwide CRM has standard tool that is Territories using which we can easily administer the sales process based on regions/area wise.
Did you ever come across the scenario like handling the sales across the region/area? How can we control the process in CRM if sales person makes an order to the territory to which he/she has no rights in CRM at all? Yes, Greytrix has designed the functionality by using some out of box concepts which allows user to uphold the cross territory sales in CRM. I have presented the workaround to achieve this functionality in this blog, have a look at it.
Consider the scenario:
You have well structured territories maintained in your CRM and each territory sale is handled by individual sales person. For example ‘SalesPA’ is working under territory ‘TerritoryA’ whereas ‘SalesPB’ is for territory ‘TerritoryB’. As per the standard Sage CRM, ‘SalesPA’ can create an opportunity in CRM, and manage the sales life cycle. SalesPA can create company in territory ‘TerritoryA’.
Now let’s consider that the main plant for the Company Greytrix is in ‘TerritoryA’ and it has a small site in ‘TerritoryB’. And SalesPA want to sale or make an order into the site Greytrix which is placed in the territory ‘TerritoryB’? Here how can the data be available to SalesPA and SalesPB in CRM
What we have provided:
1. We have provided a checkbox field to check whether the opportunity is of cross territory type or not. At the time of Opportunity creation Sales person comes to know that this order is about cross territory sale so he/she has to check the cross territory sale checkbox. Here the opportunity is linked with the company present in the ‘TerritoryA’.
2. That opportunity will progress through workflow by the sales person who has created the opportunity.
3. We need to make sure that the company (site) with the name as Greytrix is created in the target territory i.e. ‘TerritoryB’
4. Once all the processing in the initiating territory by SalesPA is completed system administrator has to transfer this opportunity to the target territory as the service of that opportunity will be provided by the ‘TerritoryB’ only. We have prepared a tool to transfer an opportunity from source territory to destination territory.
5. When user clicks on Transfer button the opportunity is directly moved to destination territory and gets linked to the company present in the target territory ‘TerritoryB’.
6. As the control of an opportunity has been transferred, this opportunity is no more visible to the SalesPA in TerritoryA even though he/she has created the same. In order to make available this opportunity to SalesPA to view the details and status of this opportunity in CRM, there will be a tab at MyCRM level named as My Cross Sale.
Everyone would like to have such improved functionality in Sales workflow of CRM for proper management of cross sales.