Executing Stored Procedures using COM API methods

By | January 25, 2012

This is developer specific technical tip which can be used in CRM customizations. In customizations we usually execute sql statements using CreateQueryObj function.
For Eg.
SqlQuery = “Select comp_name from company (nolock) where comp_compname=”+sCompId;
SqlObj = eWare.CreateQueryObj(SqlQuery);
Here to retrieve the value of comp_name we can use SqlObj(“comp_name”).
The above example is for the usual select query. Similarly to execute a stored procedure we use the below ,
SqlQuery = “Exec <Stored Procedure name>  “+sVariable;
SqlObj = eWare.CreateQueryObj(SqlQuery);
Here the stored procedure does not return any value. It could be either updating or inserting records.
What if the stored procedure is returning a value that you need to capture and use in the customization? We can use the below script.
SqlQuery = “Declare @id int exec @id = <Stored Procedure>  select @id as id”;
SqlObj = eWare.CreateQueryObj(SqlQuery);
Here the id value can be retrieved by using SqlObj(“id”).