Tag Archives: Sage EM

Discount functionality in GUMU™ Sage CRM – Sage EM Integration on line item level

In our latest version of GUMU, we have added Discount functionality wherein user can add discount on product level. New Stuff: Creating Quotes and Orders for Prospects using GUMUX3 connector User can create quote and order in Sage CRM by adding discounts on line item level and later can promote quote and order into Sage EM.… Read More »

New feature – Creating Quotes and Orders for Prospects (Non Promoted Customers) using GUMUX3 connector

GUMU™ for Sage CRM – Sage EM integration is a real-time bi-directional link where user can update the information from Sage CRM to Sage EM and vice versa. Today, in this blog we will go through how users can create Quote/Order for prospect customers in Sage CRM. New Stuff: Pre– Requisites for GUMU Sage CRM – Sage… Read More »