Troubleshooting MailChimp integration issue with Sage CRM 7.3

By | January 29, 2015

Hereby I am explaining troubleshooting steps of an issue occurred during the integration process. Despite my email Id was correct; still was facing the issue highlighted below:
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You will find there is a new log file created to capture MailChimp related transactions in Sage CRM 7.3 version, named like “20150114mailchimp.log”.On opening that log file it was showing errors like:
ERROR [taskExecutorNotChecked-3]: 14-Jan-2015 13:12:55.813 Mailchimp reported :: Email : , Code : -99, Error : The email parameter should include an email, euid, or leid key
ERROR [http-apr-12009-exec-4]: 14-Jan-2015 13:16:44.165 Mailchimp Error code 311[Campaign_InvalidContent], from_email – must be verified to send from it
Before I tell you how this issue was resolved it is important to understand steps to integrate Sage CRM 7.3 and MailChimp. To integrate you need to go on to Administration | E-mail and Documents | MailChimp Integration where you will find below screen and steps are highlighted:
Now you need to click on them as per the sequence and the steps are self-explanatory. The goof-up is on very first step (Create MailChimp Account) which was causing me this issue. Actually when you sign’s up for a new MailChimp account unlike other account registration processes after capturing all sign up information’s it takes you directly into the MailChimp account without taking your confirmation from the E-Mail sent to your registered E-Mail Id in the background. Since I got a fully activated MailChimp account hence I skipped to click on the Activation link I received on my registered E-Mail Id and this is the reason I was getting above error.
Now you know what is required to be done in order to resolve this issue, Just a click to activate your MailChimp account and that’s It.
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