In this blog we will have a quick look at some of the important and essential tables of Sage CRM.
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In Sage CRM, entity data is stored into the tables with identical name.
For example,
1. Company entity data is stored into the Company table.
2. Person entity data is stored into the Person table and so on.
However there are some tables which do not follow above pattern. However they are equally important.
A) Translation Tables
B) Reports Tables
C) Workflow Tables
A) Translation Tables
1) Custom_Captions: Stores each of the caption value existing in Sage CRM.
2) Custom_ContainerItems: Stores block and list entries which are used in the dashboards.
3) Custom_Database: Stores entries of other databases which are linked from within Sage CRM.
4) Custom_Edits: Stores all entries of all fields of all tables.
5) Custom_EmailAddress: Stores E-mail aliases setup in Sage CRM.
6) Custom_Lists: Stores all the Lists created along with their fields added to the list.
7) Custom_Pages: Stores information of special HTML pages used in Sage CRM.
8) Custom_Relationships: This table contains the linking of the different table. Most of the relationships are the primary key and foreign key. We cannot access this information in Sage CRM.
9) Custom_ScreenObjects: Stores all Lists, Blocks, Tabs, Groups and Screens entries available in CRM.
10) Custom_Screens: Stores entries of fields of all screens.
11) Custom_SysParams: Stores Global variables used in Sage CRM.
12) Custom_Tables: Stores tables created in Sage CRM.
13) Custom_Tabs: Stores information of Tabs of each entity.
14) Custom_Views: Stores all views available in sage CRM.
B) Reports Tables:
1) Custom_Reports: Stores Sage CRM reports information.
2) Custom_ReportFields: Stores information of fields used in all the reports.
3) Custom_ReportBands: Stores detail record or body record for the report.
4) Custom_ReportCharts: Stores information of reports which has Chart defined in report settings.
5) Custom_ReportFavourites: Stores information of all Favorite reports of user.
6) Custom_ReportGroups: Stores information of reports that has Group By clause.
7) Custom_ReportSearches: Stores all saved search options.
C) Workflow Tables:
1) Workflow: Stores all workflow existing in Sage CRM.
2) WorkflowRules: Stores all the rules of all workflow.
3) WorkflowState: Stores all states of all workflow.
4) WorkflowAction: Stores all actions that are defined in the workflow rules.
5) WorkflowInstance: Stores current instance/state of an entity.
6) WorkflowTransition: Stores records of current state and its next state ID for all workflow.
7) WorkflowActionLinks: Updates done in related with workflow action records are done in this table.
8) WorkflowHistory: Stores all actions performed for all the workflow.
Note: Please ensure you have a proper backup before you try updating in the above tables.
Also Read:
1) Run SQL Queries through Sage CRM Components
2) Permissions To Modify The CRM Configurations
3) Control tab display using multiple SQL clauses
4) How to access views of Different Database in CRM
5) Enable external access for CRM entities from within CRM