Display Company Information in an Opportunity Entity

By | March 31, 2015

Recently one of our customers came up with a requirement to display the Company Entity data into an Opportunity Entity in SageCRM.com. It is little bit tricky to display data in an Opportunity entity as one can use only Client Side Script to perform any operations in SageCRM.com.
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Kindly allow me to elaborate how we have achieved the same.
1) Navigate to Administration | Customization | OpportunityDetailBox.
2) Add below lines of code in the Custom Content Box and Click on Save button to Save Changes.
var companyID = crm.fields(“oppo_primarycompanyid”).value();
var successCompany = function (crmRecord) {
crm.infoMessage(“This opportunity belongs to :” + crmRecord.comp_type);
entity: “company”,
id: companyID,
success: successCompany
3) Above Code is SDATA request which reads value from the Primary Company which is selected on an Opportunity entity.
4) Then sends requests to the Company entity and returns Company entity data as shown below.
Using above steps user can display any Company Information on an Opportunity, Cases entity. However code needs to be adjusted as per requirement.
Also Read:
1) Additional Information in Entity Top Content Screens – Sage CRM v7.2
2) Add Print Button to Print Entity information in Sage CRM v7.2
3) Display Background Color on Required Fields in Sage CRM v7.2
4) Information and Error Message feature in Sage CRM v7.2
5) Features of Outlook integration with SageCRM 7.2