Remove unwanted Phone-Email fields

By | October 20, 2012

In Sage CRM, if we create a new company or person, there is a phone and email section to store the phone and email details. This screen is designed in order to capture all the phone details that are possible. However what if some details are not required like Pager details, nobody uses it anymore.

Here is how you can get rid of unwanted option here

1. Go to Administration -> Customization -> Translations

2. In translation find the Caption code as “Pager” and caption family as” links_PersPhone”.

3. Click on the delete button to delete the same.

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Greytrix has some unique integration solutions for Sage CRM with Sage ERP’s (Sage X3Sage 100Sage 300Sage 500 and Sage 50). It also offers best-in-class Sage ERP customization and development services to Business Partners, End Users and Sage PSG worldwide. Greytrix helps in migrating to Sage CRM from ACTGoldmine and other CRM’s.

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