Changing field captions on Web order entry screen

By | November 21, 2013

From Sage ACCPAC 6.0 onwards Sage has introduced new way of pushing the orders to SageCRM. The Quote and Order forms are now web based and designed with the help of Sage Web Toolkit (SWT) which runs based on the GWT technology.
The question what remains is, how far these screens are customizable? Can we do simple customizations like modifying captions, adding text entry fields etc? Yes, some of them are actually possible. I will discuss some of those on this blog in coming days.
The New Stuff:  Identify Sage CRM version and its patches
Now let’s have a look at Document Details panel on Web order entry page.


Suppose you want to change the caption of field Description from “Description:” to “Document Description:”. Here is how you can get this done.
1. The pages used for web order entry screens are kept at below path on your server.
<Programs folder>/Common Files/Sage/Sage ACCPAC/<Tomcat installation folder>/Portal
2. All SWT Content, Definition, mapping and Accpac database connection is present in “swtServices “folder on above mentioned path.
3. Other things like view, resource mapping etc. are under “sageERP” folder on above path.
4. Now to modify the caption as mentioned above you have to go to “swtServices\uiDefinitions\oe60a\<Language>\sagecrmorderui” and open “SageCRMOrderUIUIDefinition.xml” page in any text or XML editor.
5. In the above file find the widget with text “xDescription:
<widget type=”swt:SwtLabel”>
<transText text=”xDescription:” textID=”oe60a_sagecrmorderui_lblDesc”/>                    
 Now in this syntax what you see in the property “textID” i.e. “oe60a_sagecrmorderui_lblDesc” is the value from portal database which holds the caption text.
What you see under the property “text” is the text that loads when value cannot be retrieved from database.
6. Now to change the caption, you can simply remove the “textID” value and change the “text” property in widget syntax as follows.
<widget type=”swt:SwtLabel”>
<transText text=”Document Description:” textID=” “/>                    
Or If you want to update the caption at database level, you can fire below query on Portal database.
update UIContent set value = ‘Document Description:’ where version = ‘oe60a’ and category = ‘sagecrmorderui’ and id = ‘lblDesc’ and languagecode = ‘eng’
The final output will look like follows.


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1) How to identify Merged Companies in Sage CRM
2) Configuring Sage CRM v7.2 – Sage 300 ERP 2012 integration
3) Sage CRM 7.2 Sales Tracker app
4) Enable De-duplication check in Act CRM
5) How to identify and backup correct Sage CRM Database