How to avoid filing of Junk emails in Sage CRM

By | June 1, 2015

In today’s fast growing business world, communication plays a very vital role. And when communication comes into picture, Emails has been proved as the widely used and very effective tool of communication. As we all know, Outbound and Inbound email functionalities are properly embedded through Sage CRM keeping its ease of use in mind. But a very common problem every organization face is, emails that ends up as Junk. In this blog, I will share one tip that would help you to avoid filing of Junk emails in Sage CRM.

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Sage CRM provides you the well-organized way to configure inbound emails functionality within Sage CRM. You have to simply navigate to the path Administration | E-mail and Documents | E-mail Management Server Options and specify the Email Management Server options for each mailbox you want E-mail Management to run on. Once done successfully, the corresponding mails will be loaded in CRM for the respective email id. Similarly, for outbound email functionality you will have to make the necessary settings by navigating to the path Administration | E-mail and Documents | E-mail Configuration.

However, there occur many such instances when junk/spam mails gets loaded in crm due to sender’s incorrect email id; or where the email id no longer exists on mail server. In such cases, mails start to bounce back due to delivery failed condition. To avoid such unwanted email files, you just have to include below mentioned script in the BeforeMainAction () Function.

//’ GetEmail Sender
sEmailSender = eMail.SenderAddress;

if ((sEmailSender==’’) || (eMail.SenderAddress.indexOf(“MAILER-DAEMON”)>=0)
||(eMail.SenderAddress==’MAILER-DAEMON@MXIP01.GREYTRIX.COM’)||(eMail.SenderAddress==’MAILER-DAEMON@MXIP02.GREYTRIX.COM’)||(eMail.SenderAddress==’’)|| (slowercaseEmailSender.indexOf(“mailer-daemon”)>=0)||(eMail.SenderAddress==’’)|| (eMail.SenderAddress==’’)|| (eMail.SenderAddress==’’))

MsgHandler.Log(“######” + sEmailSubject +”#############”);
return false;

Here, you can mention the domain as well as the email addresses that you want to exclude from filing email in CRM as I have done in the section highlighted in green. You can find this function under the scripts folder available on the path –


The script in which you make the above changes assume if Support.js file, then the same has to be set as template on E-mail Management Server Options screen. Once set, just restart the CRM’s Email Manager Service and you are done.

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