Cash analysis is a method is to check your firm’s financial health. The purpose of the cash analysis is to show where an entities cash is being generated and where its cash is being spent, over a specific period of time (quarterly and annually).
You can see your cash position instantly with Sage Intacct Cash Analysis report. You can show increasing levels of detail that include totals for all AP and AR, subtotals for each vendor and customer, or an individual line for each document. Treasurers, accountants, and controllers can use cash flow analysis report to see where the money is going from checking accounts and savings accounts.
- Go to Cash management > Click on Cash analysis
- Set the filters to get the specific data you want. Select cash account, Location, Department and show for. So you can include or exclude specific types of data in the report.
- Select Format. You can set the layout of the report and/or arrange how to group and display the data contained in the report.
- Enter a title, subtitle, and footer text for your report.
- You can View, process, memorize, export, or customize the report or add it to the dashboard by using button given in right corner of the screen.
Note: The cash flow analysis is the financial statement that presents the cash inflows and outflows of a business during a given period of time.