The Sage Intacct Purchasing analysis report gives detailed information on purchases by company supplier wise.
This report gives you deeper analysis of transactions across time periods, vendors, item transaction status (open/closed), transaction types (PO or vendor bill).
Further you can limit this data using combination of transaction status, Type and Class. Purchasing analysis report provide complete set of user ready transaction such as request for quotation. Purchaser can use this report to know what has been purchased.
To Access this report go to Purchasing > Purchasing Analysis
- Select time period enter the start and end dates you want the report to cover. If you do not specify a reporting period, the system generates a report for the current month to date.
- Apply filters to get specific data. By applying filter you can include or exclude data that you want.
- Select Item type that you want. Using format you can set the layout of the report and arrange how to group and display the data contained in the report. In Titles tab give the title to your report.
So using this report we can easily track down the purchase order.