Many a times we may have come across a scenario where a user copying and pasting large pieces of data in the Instruction field in the Order entry screen, but when he tries to paste the large data into instruction field, it cuts off at the end of the first line, because Sage 300 ERP only allows 80 characters in any of the instruction line.
For adding the whole instruction, the user has to manually select few characters from the file and paste it the line and in this process he has to do till all the data is been inserted into the instruction field line by line. It’s a very cumbersome job for the user.
New Stuff : Search option in Greytrix Bill of lading for Sage 300 ERP
So in order to enhance the functionality to insert a large piece of instruction all at once in Detail line, read ahead:
Below is the working of our component:
We have customized the standard order entry screen in which we have provided the facility on the press of Hotkey “F6”, which provides user with a textbox where they can paste large piece of instruction, which on Update get inserted on the order detail line instruction field.
You can see when the user adds a line item and presses F6 hotkey a screen will popup where user can type in instruction or can also paste the instruction from a word file if available.
Once the instructions are entered in the textbox, then on the click of the Update button, our routine automatically breaks the instruction into 80 characters each line and updates the order detail line instruction field for the selected detail line item. Refer below screen shot:
So with the help of our component, user will be able to seamlessly enter large piece of instruction in order detail with minimum fuzz and maximum feasibility.
Note: As this component is developed using standard Sage 300 SDK, it is easy to deploy and use. Currently this component is available in Sage 300 ERP 2012 version.