Sales orders is an essential document for any sales transaction. The document contains the specifics of the transaction and including the period within which goods will be sold to the customer. A sales order is a record that the seller creates detailing the products or services the customer has ordered. Along with the product details, sales order consists of customer details, price, quantity, document no.,date, location name, GST no. etc..
Numerous helpful reports are offered by Sage 300 ERP to help analyse and keep track of the organization’s inventory. In ERP software, you get a number of Customized and user specific reports to display and represent data in proper way.
However, no particular report that reveals the precise information of Lot transaction. This data will be retrieved from the SO module basically, this is a summary report which prints all details of Sales Order Entry, Shipment Entry, Invoice Entry, and Credit/Debit Note Entry.
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In this blog, we would be look at this report in detail.
The report data will be exported in excel-based format with parameter as From & To location and Date provided in the filter. Once the above information has been entered, execute the query to print the report. This report can be printed from BI Report. If required, screen can be modified according to customer’s requirement.
Below is the excel-based generated output of the “Sales Report” .

Now we can see that the report was correctly generated. As we can see from the output up top, all the details of sales transactions are seen in single line This report gives us the ability to examine specific item transactions, including invoices, credit/debit entries, and information of Order entry, shipment entry, location, quantities etc.. if order entry or some data is not entered while transaction then in the report fields will be seen blank. So rather than checking the transaction this is how we can analyze that order is done or not, which fields are blank, etc..
Thus, “Sales Order Report” will give you a clear visualization of number of quantities sold, unit cost, unit value, gross value, invoice value etc..of those item vendor wise for a period.
This report includes following fields and can be modified according to your requirement.
- Document Date
- Document No.
- Posting Date
- Period
- Order No.
- Order Date
- Shipment No.
- Shipment Date
- Customer Code
- Customer Name
- Ship To Location Name
- Item Code
- Item Name
- Manufacture Name
- Packing
- Customer Item No.
- Location Code
- Location Name
- Lot No.
- Batch No.
- Expiry
- Quantity
- Unit Cost
- Unit Value
- Discount
- Discount Amount
- Gross Value
- GST Amount
- Invoice Value
- IRN Status
- Actual Invoice No.
- Sales Return Remark
- Credit Type
- Comments
- E-Invoice Type
- Invoice Description
- Invoice Reference
- OE Credit/Debit Description
- OE Credit/Debit Reference
In this way user can easily fetch the required Sales Transactions data for the Sales report which serves the purpose of this utility. This report output can easily be modified to include any necessary extra fields.
About Us
Greytrix – a globally recognized and one of the oldest Sage Development Partners is a one-stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM organizational needs. Being acknowledged and rewarded for multi-man years of experience, we bring complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third-party add-on development, and implementation competence.
Greytrix offers unique GUMU™ integrated solutions of Sage 300 with Sage CRM, Salesforce(listed on Salesforce Appexchange), Dynamics 365 CRM, and Magento eCommerce along with Sage 300 Migration from Sage 50 US, Sage 50 CA, Sage PRO, QuickBooks, Sage Business Vision and Sage Business Works. We also offer best-in-class Sage 300 customization and development services and integration services for applications such as POS | WMS | Payroll | Shipping System | Business Intelligence | eCommerce for Sage 300 ERP and for Sage 300c development services we offer, upgrades of older codes and screens to new web screens, latest integrations using Data and web services to Sage business partners, end users and Sage PSG worldwide.
Greytrix offers 20+ add-ons for Sage 300 to enhance productivity such as GreyMatrix, Document Attachment, Document Numbering, Auto-Bank Reconciliation, Purchase Approval System, Three way PO matching, Bill of Lading, and VAT for the Middle East. The GUMU™ integration for Dynamics 365 CRM – Sage ERP is listed on Microsoft Appsource with an easy implementation package.
The GUMU™ Cloud framework by Greytrix forms the backbone of cloud integrations that are managed in real-time for processing and execution of application programs at the click of a button.
For more details on Sage 300 and Sage 300c Services, please contact us at, We will like to hear from you.