Many times the support executive asks the clients to provide the Rvspy and DBSpy log for the issue they are facing in the Sage 300 ERP.
1. What is RVSpy and DBSpy log?
2. Can a Sage 300 ERP consultant or a developer use these tools to identify the issue or use to diagnosis the issue?
Answer of this question is yes; RVSpy and DBSpy are the tools which are used by Sage 300 ERP consultant or developers to diagnosis the issue that client/customer is facing. In this blog we will discuss about RVSpy log in Sage 300 ERP.
RVSpy (Roto View Spy) generates a log file which records all the actions done in the Sage 300 ERP and stores in the log file. These records are useful for the developer in diagnosing a problem, not only what the actual problem was, but what were the steps that led up to the problem.
RVSpy records all API calls to the Accpac Views (Business Logic Objects). One View will call other Views, and this is all recorded and nested inside the log file or output Window. Please refer the below screen shot of the RvSpy window with records.
New Stuff: Prevent invalid date entries with
Here we can have option if we want to see this RVSpy log in window or to a separate file. To have output in a separate file, the user needs to provide the path of log file to be generated.
There are standard set of View API call such as Put, Read, Fetch, insert, Get, Verify. Each of these goes by their parameters and return code. Each of these will always return an error code. 0 means success. If we refer the above screen shot, views are referred by their view ID and view name like GL0500: GLOFD
Developers can take the logs and look in the source code to get additional insights into what may be going on. User or consultants don’t have access to the source code, but often they can still get clues as to problems.
In this way, with bit of knowledge a consultant can diagnosis the problem. In our next blog we will explore about the DBSpy.
Also Read:
1. VBA Macro Errors related to EXD Files
2. How To Add A Macro To Accpac Desktop of Sage 300 ERP
3. How To Record A Macro In Sage 300 ERP
4. Macros in Sage 300 ERP