Sage 300C comes with various functionalities. We can customize web screens just as desktop in Sage 300 ERP. But, when it comes to Integration with Third party module, it is much more complex than desktop. To make this easier, we can use APIs and integrate data in Sage 300c.
In this blog we will be explaining how Sage CRM Order Entry integration can be done in the Sage 300C Order Entry. This customization has already been achieved in Desktop versions. Below is the screenshot that shows an additional tab that is customized on OE Order Entry screen which will populate data from Sage CRM.
New Stuff: Compile error: User defined type not defined

- We have used Date and Territory code as filter criteria for populating Sage CRM data. These are custom finders that display CRM data. On-click of “GO” button, this data is filled in the grid as seen above on the basis of applied filters.
- User can specify the Sage Order Number for the order entry to be created in Sage 300C and select the required entries from the grid. Only the selected Entries would be created.
Below is the Entry Selected for the order creation and Order Number inserted manually in Sage Order Number field.

- Onclick of the “Process” button the selected data is first validated and then the API is called for the order creation.
- Json data is created for the entry to be created and it is passed to the API.
Below is the Entry Created for the selected data of CRM:

About Us
Greytrix – a globally recognized and one of the oldest Sage Development Partners is a one-stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM organizational needs. Being acknowledged and rewarded for multi-man years of experience, we bring complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third-party add-on development, and implementation competence.
Greytrix offers unique GUMU™ integrated solutions of Sage 300 with Sage CRM, Salesforce(listed on Salesforce Appexchange), Dynamics 365 CRM, and Magento eCommerce along with Sage 300 Migration from Sage 50 US, Sage 50 CA, Sage PRO, QuickBooks, Sage Business Vision and Sage Business Works. We also offer best-in-class Sage 300 customization and development services and integration services for applications such as POS | WMS | Payroll | Shipping System | Business Intelligence | eCommerce for Sage 300 ERP and for Sage 300c development services we offer, upgrades of older codes and screens to new web screens, latest integrations using Data and web services to Sage business partners, end users and Sage PSG worldwide.
Greytrix offers 20+ add-ons for Sage 300 to enhance productivity such as GreyMatrix, Document Attachment, Document Numbering, Auto-Bank Reconciliation, Purchase Approval System, Three way PO matching, Bill of Lading, and VAT for the Middle East. The GUMU™ integration for Dynamics 365 CRM – Sage ERP is listed on Microsoft Appsource with an easy implementation package.
The GUMU™ Cloud framework by Greytrix forms the backbone of cloud integrations that are managed in real-time for processing and execution of application programs at the click of a button.
For more details on Sage 300 and Sage 300c Services, please contact us at, We will like to hear from you.