Tag Archives: Sage 300c Web screen

Sage 300c 2020 PU2 release fixes issue related to Order Entry screen

It was a bug due to which, alert message getting appeared while searching the item related to the text typed into the Item Number / Miscellaneous Charge field in the detail line. Kindly refer screen below for your reference: New Stuff: Sage 300 view to read data using Advantage API in C# In order entry screen… Read More »

How to restrict non-admin users from creating and modifying multiple contact details

As we know with the release of Sage 300 v2020 PU1, Sage has introduced a new feature where user can create multiple contacts using “Multiple Contacts” menu. Also, user can assign multiple contacts to AR customer and AP vendor. Here Organizations can restrict and grant the access to create and modify the contact details in… Read More »

Sage 300c – Import the Data into the transaction and master screens

As we are aware that Sage 300 desktop version provides the import functionality, same feature has been provided in Sage 300c i.e. Web version. In sage 300c user can able to export the data into ‘masters’ and ‘transaction’ screens. So in this blog we will discuss one of standard features of Sage 300 web version… Read More »

Sage 300C – Export the Data from the transaction and master screens

As we are aware that Sage 300 desktop version provides the export functionality, same feature has been provided in Sage 300c i.e. Web version. In sage 300c user can able to export the data from the ‘masters’ and ‘transaction’ screens with the particular filter conditions. New Stuff:- Sage 300 Standard Export Feature In Sage 300C… Read More »

Sage 300C Grid filtration for Transaction Screens

There was a very unique but interesting requirement from one of our clients. The requirement was to provide filter on Item description column on the detail level order entry grid to modify only those records which are getting matched with item description filter. Once we remove the filter, all the records should be display into… Read More »