Tag Archives: Integration

Configuring QR Code Format in Sage 300 ERP

As we are aware the recently developed Barcode Module add-on for QR code generation included in Sage 300 ERP makes the QR code generating and scanning process easier, faster, and more precise for users in order to keep a check on the physical inventory counts. Scanning the QR code converts the data into a readable… Read More »

Introduction to Barcode Integration Module (QR Code)

There are several ways that Sage 300 ERP systems can use QR codes to improve traceability, accuracy, and efficiency. These are a few typical uses: Management of Inventory: They allow for quick access to data when scanned, including location, stock levels, item name, description, and other information. Engagement with Suppliers and Customers: Purchase orders can… Read More »

Sage 300 ERP Integration with PHP POS

Greytrix’ s Sage 300 ERP – PHP Point of Sale Integration enables a perfect synergy of two powerful systems that makes synchronization of data effortless while maximizing your investment on Sage 300 ERP. Integration in simple terms is connecting 2 system together to perform data transfer in seamless manner without human intervention. Using this we can… Read More »

Sage 300 Integration with Other system

Integration in simple terms is a process which is connected to another system and performs the task automatically. Using this we can improve the performance and reduce the human mistakes that occurs frequently. By integration the business phenomenon would be an automated process that will give better growth and increased revenue. Sage 300 integration is… Read More »

5 ways Businesses can thrive while defeating COVID-19 during lockdown!

As the world is facing financial, physical and mental crisis during the Covid 19 pandemic, many businesses have also been in troubled waters. Covid 19 has forced businesses to look out for the new normal! According to a recent study it has been predicted that the financial meltdown will be like the 2008 recession which… Read More »

Barcode integration with I/C Transfer Screen in Sage300

Use I/C Transfers screen to: Enter and post stock transfers between physical inventory locations if you store items at more than one location. Import transfer transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from non-Sage 300 programs. Export transfer transactions. Assigning Serial/Lot Numbers to Transfers , if you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking When you… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC internal usage Screen in Sage 300

Use IC internal usage screen to: Record the withdrawal of items from inventory for your own company’s use. For example, an office supply store could take a desk from inventory for a new employee, or use office supplies, such as paper, pencils, and pens. Import internal usage transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC Adjustment Screen in Sage300

Use I/C Adjustment screen to: Adjustment Number (a number to distinguish the transaction from other adjustments for audit control purposes). Description (add any information you want about the adjustment; optional). Adjustment Date (to which you want the transaction posted). Year and Period (to which you want the transaction posted). Reference (for example, the reason for… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC Shipment Screen in Sage300

Use the I/C Shipments screen to: Record shipments of items out of inventory. Record returns of items to inventory (sales returns). Import shipment and sales return transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from non-Sage 300 programs. Export shipment and sales return transactions. New Stuff:– Barcode integration with IC Receipt Screen in Sage300 When you specify… Read More »