How to create document category in Sage X3 People

By | August 13, 2019

In Sage X3 People, to create document category the local menu function can be used. In standard Sage X3 People, below screen capture depicts the navigation to local menu function

Navigate to Development –> Local Menu-messages

Doc Category1
Development Local Menu-messages

To create document category by using standard functionality in letter generation below are the steps to follow

Step 1: Navigate to Development –> Local Menu-message –>Table 398

Local Menu-Table 398

Click on the actions button and add the category.

Step 2:Once clicked on the close page, the system will showcase the below screen.

Local Menu Update

Click the check box for all languages and then click ok

Step 3:To verify the new categories created, navigate to

Personnel administration –> Administrative documents –>Documents generator –> Document Clauses

Document Categories