How to execute the Pre-Migration and Post-migration Script in Sage X3 for up-gradation

By | July 1, 2020

Now days Every company wants to upgrade the system or data with newly functionality on the higher version. In Some industries the company wants to migrate the data from lower version to higher version in Sage X3. For that needs to done some steps in Sage X3 i.e. Execution of Pre-migration and Post-migration script in the source and destination system.
Read More- Sage X3 Migration | Greytrix

Pre-requisite: Before folder validation you need to check if there any data present in APLLCK table, if there is any data present truncate that table.

Mandatory step:

You will have to login in X3 to execute this script and batch server should be running.

Follow the below steps for execution of Script:

Navigate To: Usage > Migration > Sequencing Monitor

  1. Click button on new.
  2. Enter plan name
  3. Select the folder
  4. Keep No. of parallel launches as it ‘1’
  5. Create plan

Refer the below figure for the same.

Sequencing Monitor
Sequencing Monitor

After creating the plan Launch the plan with the help of Launch/resume button, as shown in below figure.


After launching the plan, it will take some time to complete the whole process.

Once the plan is successfully completed without errors you can copy the same folder in Destination system and run the Post -migration script.

  • You have to follow the same steps for run Post-migration script which you have followed for pre-migration in the source system.
  • But only two changes you will have do while executing the Post-Migration script.
  • Checked the flag ‘Post-Migration auto start’
  • Unblocked the codes which are blocked with the help of unblock all option, as shown in below figure.

After doing these changes you can launch the plan. Once it is completed successfully you can.

Login into that folder and check screens.

These steps you have to followed while execution of Pre-migration and Post-migration script.