In Product Update 2 of Sage 300 ERP 2012; IC Lot Numbers Inquiry screen includes new Unit Cost filed which displays the unit cost of items in a particular lot.
In this blog; we will find out how the unit cost is calculated.
To use this feature; first of all you need to install Product Update 2.
Open I/C Lot Numbers Inquiry screen (Inventory Control >> IC statistics and Inquiries >> Lot Number Inquiry). The new Unit Cost has been added next to Status column.
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Unit Cost is calculated based on the quantity of items in the lot and the total cost of the lot.
So for e.g.; Total Cost for Item No. A1-900/G and Lot No. 00016-April is 79.32. The total quantity of items in this lot is 10 units. The system calculates Unit Cost as average i.e.; 7.932000.
With new Unit Cost column in Lot Numbers Inquiry screen; we can easily ascertain the average unit cost of item in a particular lot.
Also Read :
1.Assign Unique Serial Number to Individual Items in Inventory Control Module of Sage 300 ERP
2. Choosing Vendor Contract Cost over IC Vendor Detail Cost in Sage 300 ERP
3. Different Costing methods in Sage 300 ERP
4. Inactive Items option in IC Reports of Sage 300 ERP 2012
5. Editable PO Number field on O/E Shipment Entry for Sage 300 ERP 2012