In Sage Intacct, Accounts Receivable module is used to manage multiple objects like customers, receivables transactions, and receivable reports. All those object records are displayed in particular view. The way a list is arranged, filtered, and sorted is called a view. Intacct provides standard views to display list of customers. In addition, you can also create your own custom views to list customer records.
Custom views of standard object are differentiated user wise. In this blog we are going to see how other users can work on same custom view created by an user A on a Standard object.
For achieving this, follow below steps:
- Go to the Accounts Receivable > Customers.
- A list of customers will be displayed in the view.
- To Create a Custom view for customer select Create New View from the Managed views drop-down.
- First step is to select the required columns that we want in our custom view. Just check the checkbox beside a name. After selecting all necessary columns, click Next button.
- Here we set the columns sequence based on the arrangement we want for our custom view.
- In case if we want only commercial type customers to be shown in the view, then we apply filter for customer type column as “Commercial”.
- Further we apply sorting based on any columns if needed. Here, we sort the customer name column in ascending order.
- So, the customer record are displayed alphabetically in ascending order.
- In final step, we set a name for custom view and check the Deploy checkbox. A custom view will be available to other users as long as the “Deploy” option is selected on the view.
- Then Click on save button.
- Now, we can check another login user can also see the custom view for customer object. Any user of same company can also add and remove columns from this view.
This way we can customize the list screen based on what columns we prefer to see according to our business needs.