Adding Message Boxes in Sage X3

By | September 24, 2013

While coding in 4GL, we often use message boxes to display the messages on some actions. But what if we need to ask a Question or need to give a warning to the user or just need to display a customized message on the heading of the box?

Yes, we can use a simple message box like ‘Infbox’ for this task but Sage X3 provides a different message box for the same, which gives a more liveliness user interface to the development.

Like if we need to add a question after a field action, we just need to add the following code snippets and the Message Box will appear on the screen. Look at the below screenshots…

New Stuff: How to display Wait Message in Sage ERP X3

  • Yes/No boxes:

Local Integer YN : YN = 2 :# By default points on Yes
Call OUINON(“Do you want to continue?”, YN) From GESECRAN

  • Ok/Cancel boxes:
  • Local Integer OKCAN : OKCAN = 2:# Ok
    Call AVERTIR(“Warning:\All records will be deleted”, OKCAN) From GESECRAN
  • Information/warning:

Call ERREURT(“Information message”, 0) From GESECRAN

  • Error message

Call ERREURT(“Customized Error Message…”, 1) From GESECRAN

These simple code snippets can be used to provide more user-friendliness to your screen.

Hope this Helps!!