In Sage X3, Users can check all the purchase related data using inquiry screens. But there is one drawback of this functionality that any user can check the data of all the other users also using inquiry screens. To overcome from this drawback, we did customization on Purchase Inquiry screens. By doing which users can check only those POs and GRNs in Inquiry screen which have been created by them. Users will be restricted to fetch other user’s data.
But there can be some users in the system who needs to see all the user’s data.
For this purpose, we have added “Full User” checkbox in the user master screen as shown in the below screenshot:
New Stuff: How to create and add formula on inquiry screen
If the Full User checkbox is ticked, then that particular user will have full rights to check the all user’s purchase related data and if it is not ticked then user can check only those entries which are created by him. As you can see in the above screenshot, full user checkbox is ticked for “ADMIN” user and not ticked for “ABHI” user in the user setup. So there can be two scenarios that either the user is a FULL USER who will have access to check other user’s Purchase entries or he is not a FULL USER who will be restricted and can check only Purchase entries which are created by him.
After that, we have added “My PO” and “None” radio buttons on Order Lines Inquiry Screen and “MY GRN” and “None” radio buttons on Receipt Lines Inquiry screen. Now, we will check how the functionality will work for both the Scenarios.
First scenario: Admin user is logged in. (FULL USER)
As you can see, when admin user has selected “My PO” option in inquiry screen, only POs created by him are getting displayed but when he has selected “None” option in the below screenshot, he is able to see all the POs which are created by other users also.
Second scenario: ABHI user is logged in. (not a FULL USER)
In the above screenshot, when ABHI user has selected “My PO” option in inquiry screen, only POs created by him are getting displayed and even when he has selected “None” option as shown in the below screenshot, same data is getting displayed i.e. POs which are created by him. He doesn’t have rights to check other user’s POs because he is not a FULL User as per the user master settings saved in the User setup.
Also we have added “My Department” and My Sub-Department” radio buttons on both the screens. If department of the users is same and he has selected my department option then he can see POs created by him and other users as well who are having same department saved in user master. Same functionality will work for Sub-Department option.
Hence with the help of this customization, User will get restricted as per the given rights. And he will not get access to check other user’s Purchase related data.