There is a tool in X3 hidden inside the calculator that will tell you everything about the function that you are currently using. Note that this only works with Classic (AKA convergent) functions that are data entry type functions. So, functions under the administration module (for example) will not have this ability as they are not classic functions (i.e. Entry type functions). For example, if you are using Sales order i.e. Function “GESSOH”
it will show are the statistics related to the function “GESSOH”.
- Go to Right list click on Help >> Diagnosis >> Calculator
Click on the right side of the calculator(refer the below screenshot).
You will see a list with four options. Click on “Variable class”.
- The following screens should load. So, what this tool does is it tells you statistics on the current function you are in. So since I started with Sales Order (GESSOH) it is going to show me the stats for GESSOH.
The first section is the Class Selection. It allows you to view the values and type of classes specific to the function loaded (GESSOH).
- The first screen shows the all the classes related top that perticular function and the different variables and fields used in the function and also their respective values.
2. This is followed by the Memory Section. Memory allows you to see current memory used as it pertains to the MAXMEM field. It also shows you defaulted classes so you can look them up independently.
3. Next after that is the Screens Section. The Screens allow you to view what screen codes are accessed by the function.
4. Followed by that is the Tables Section. The Tables show you what Tables are accessed by the function. Note that there is a max number of tables that a function can open.. The point is there is a max. If you look closely at the table list, you can see some other tables that are not initially part of Sales Order (GESSOH) like BPCUSTOMER table which goes to the Customer function (GESBPC) or ITMMASTER which goes to the Products function (GESITM). So, you can see how each function is tied to each-other.
5. After that is the Variable Class section. This section allows you to see what classes are actually in use currently as opposed to the Class Section where you can lookup all the Classes used for the function.
6. The next screen “Processing” displays the script files that are being currently used by the function. Processing Section shows what processes are currently being accessed like MENU.adx for getting menus and stuff like that. It can be handy if your looking to see if any custom adx processes are currently running.
7. And lastly, the Sequential Files section. This section shows what specific files are opened when using the function like mappings and print directories.