In Sage X3, left-list plays an important role as most of the screens which are very important in X3 like sales delivery, sales invoice, purchase receipt, purchase invoice, etc. have left list selections where we can select from the left list and create a transaction in X3. For e.g. On the sales delivery screen we can select an order from the left list and create a delivery for that order. Here we have an option of selecting multiple orders and can create delivery of those multiple orders. Also, we can select particular lines from order and can create delivery of the same. The same way we can create invoices after selecting deliveries or orders from the left list. Purchase sides screens also contain the same left list where receipt can be created from a multiple purchase order of left list and invoices can be created after selecting multiple orders or multiple receipts from left list.
However, there are various master screens (i.e., customer, product, etc.) which don’t have left list selections as these screens contain master data. So in this type of screen, we can manually add a left list selection through some of the customization according to our use. However as said this screen doesn’t have a standard left list so refreshing of the left list becomes a headache as standard doesn’t refresh the left list after certain actions which standard normally does in sales delivery, invoice, etc. screens which have standard left list.
So in this blog we are going to see how we can refresh those left lists after certain actions like creation, deletion, cancellation or after hitting on some of the buttons.
Steps to follow :
Suppose if you want to refresh the left list after hitting on some customized button then we just need to add a bit line code. Refer the below snippet of code.

The above snippet of code can be put on any action like creation, modification, etc. which will refresh the left list as FILGAUCHE contains criteria of the left list record which needs to be modified according to our use and then the next line of code calls standard actions which automatically refresh the left list.
By the help of the above blog, we can refresh the left list in Sage X3.