Sequence number setup for Projects in X3 V12

By | April 14, 2021

As we know, sage X3 v12 provides number of new features. One of them is the Project module which is completely new in v12.

This Projects function is used to manage the elements often denominated under different terms : Business, Projects, Opportunities. These translate to the same basic concept. Their objective is to manage the characteristics and stages in a sales cycle.

We can say this is the extension to “Projects” from Customer relation module in older versions of X3. This new module involves new elements along with older ones in “Project Management” such as financial status, revenues, assigned employees details etc.

        However, the sequence number parameter for Projects is different in older versions and v12. In older versions it is “OPP” but for v12 you need to setup sequence number for project in parameter “PJM”.

In older versions, the sequence number gets generated based on the OPP parameter defined under module CRM activities > Projects as shown above. However, in v12, though there is an existing setup similar to older versions for Projects. There is a new setup for module Common data > Projects > PJM. This is the working parameter for project sequence number generation.

So, you can setup PJM parameter as per your desired criteria to set sequence number for Projects both in Customer relation module and Project module. Navigate to: Setup > Parameters > Structures > Select parameter PJM. You can change the format of sequence number, here.

If you need to change format of sequence number for Projects in v12, you need to change setup of parameter PJM and not OPP.