Marketing campaign in Sage X3

By | February 24, 2022

A marketing campaign is a strategic marketing effort aimed at promoting a specific endeavor or goal on behalf of a company, brand or individual. Marketing campaigns are designed to get consumers’ attention in several ways, such as television, print advertising, social media and email marketing. Each campaign expresses a marketing objective to be attained for a given period.
These campaigns also constitute a unique method to create marketing operations, which represent the actual activity destined to realize a marketing objective.

In Sage X3, below four wizards are available that correspond to each marketing operation type that is available to the user:
⦁ Mass mail wizard
⦁ Phone campaign wizard
⦁ Professional trade show wizard
⦁ Media campaign assistant
The wizards control a large number of critical tasks:
⦁ They control the execution of certain mandatory actions;
⦁ They ensure the correct sequencing of the numerous operations necessary for the creation of an operation;
⦁ They manage the clean-up of the different application tables in case of cancellation;
⦁ They automatically perform Marketing Campaign – Marketing Operation associations.

These wizards are only accessible from a marketing campaign record.
The marketing campaigns are also used to carry out miscellaneous closing operations (campaign closing, associated operation closing).

Below are the list of fields present in Saxe X3 marketing campaign functionality:

Site: It identifies the site on which the marketing campaign is principally managed.

Denomination: This field must contain several words that are used to identify a marketing campaign in an effective manner.

Closed campaign: This field is used to close a marketing campaign and all its associated operations. Once the campaign is closed, it gets automatically removed from marketing planning function. All the associated operations are also excluded from the planning. If one or more phone campaigns currently being processed are associated with the closed campaign, all the calls remaining to be carried out for these operations are deleted. The phone campaigns are then themselves closed.

Start and End: These fields indicate the period over which a certain number of marketing operations are likely to take place. In fact, ideally the marketing campaign duration should cover the totality of the periods for all the associated marketing operations.

Planned budget: A marketing campaign represents a marketing objective to be attained. This field is used to enter the amount that the marketing manager is planning to expend on realizing this objective. The Currency field is used to value the entered amount.

Committed budget: This field is automatically calculated by the system. It represents the total of the committed budgets for carrying out each marketing operation.

Associated operations :
Each marketing campaign contains a list of the operations belonging to it. The grid displays the type, the start date and the name for each of them. The relation between a campaign and its operations is automatically established by all the marketing wizards.
As far as the mass mailing type operations are concerned, if the start date has not been assigned it means that the mailing has not yet been issued.

Description: It helps to explain the campaign objective in detailed manner.

Return: This button is used to view and to analyze the ⦁ returns generated by the mass mailing.
Budget: This button is used to view and analyze the budget allocated for the campaign.

Thus, marketing campaigns can be considered as important aspect to expand the business with proper marketing strategies.