Use of CTLCLE parameter

By | February 15, 2022

In a normal business scenario, work order plays an important role as it can be for both products or services.

In a manufacturing environment, a work order is an essential part of the whole business process where a complete production cycle can be affected. These orders are used to build a complete product from different components which can be used to make the same.

Production tracking is the next part of work order where a work order can be tracked and converted into production tracking.

Production tracking is a strategy used to measure, analyse, and improve visibility throughout the manufacturing process. From the sourcing of raw materials to the shipping of final products, production tracking allows businesses to monitor the performance of each production step and improve their processes using aggregate data.

In some scenarios, there might be certain conditions in which we want to prevent the closing of work orders like if work orders do not satisfy certain conditions then we do not want to close them without fulfilling those criteria’s.

So, in this blog we will see how we can set a parameter which can help us to prevent the closing of work order.

Steps to follow:

So, in order to prevent closing of work order, we need to navigate to All -> Setup -> General Parameters and open the ‘CTL’ group (i.e. Production tracking controls) of the ‘Manufacturing’ chapter. Kindly refer below screenshot for the same.

After opening the ‘CTL’ group of the ‘Manufacturing’ chapter, just change parameter CTLCLE (i.e. Blocked in Closing) from ‘No control’ to any required values. Kindly refer below screenshot for the same.

So, this parameter can be set to either folder wise or legislation wise or company wise whichever way is preferred we can set the same.

This parameter is used with work orders. Use it to prevent closure of a work order if one, or both of the following circumstances are detected:

  • The quantity of components required to manufacture the product have not been tracked in full. The Remaining quantity field is not zero or blank for one or more components.
  • The progress and status of an operation required to manufacture the product is not complete and closed.

This parameter has 4 values to select which described below :

Blocking outstanding materials and operations – This is the default value for this parameter. A work order cannot be closed if one component line has an outstanding quantity against it, or if one routing operation remains incomplete and has not been closed.

No control – No controls are required. A work order can be closed without checking for outstanding component quantities or incomplete routing operations. A warning is however displayed if either of these circumstances are detected.

Blocking outstanding materials – A work order cannot be closed if one component line has an outstanding quantity against it. Incomplete routing operations that have not been closed are ignored.

Blocking outstanding operations – A work order cannot be closed if one routing operation remains incomplete and has not been closed. Any component line with an outstanding quantity against it is ignored.

By the help of the above blog, we can prevent the closing of work orders.