In Sage X3, we can create Purchase Invoice transaction against Purchase Order as well as Purchase Receipt with any quantity and amount. But one of our client requested to add limit on the amount while creating Purchase Invoice against Purchase Order only.
Customization Required:
Invoice can be booked only against PO. Unless amount is lesser than 5,000 Rs.
Purchase Invoice will always be created against PO and GRN for which condition will be applied that amount should be less than or equal to 5000. It will not restrict user with amount limit while creating direct Invoice.
GRN will be created against PO always. Direct GRN will not be created. So, GRN which is created against PO will be restricted while creating invoice if amount is not less than or equal to 5000.
New Stuff: Locales Functionality in Sage X3
![[Fig 1. Purchase Order with 5900 AMT]](
Refer Fig 1. In which we have created Purchase order entry “1012311POH00000010” with 5900 Amount (Including Tax).
Now in this case, system should restrict user to create Purchase Invoice transaction against this PO as the total including tax amount is 5900.
![[Fig 2. Pop-up on Purchase Invoice]](
As we can see in the above screenshot Fig 2, pop-up message is getting generated that “Invoice Amount value is: 5900, Purchase Invoice against PO/GRN cannot be booked unless the amount is less than 5,000 Rs.” after clicking on create button in Purchase Invoice screen.
It is not allowing to create Purchase Invoice against that PO “1012311POH00000010” because amount is greater than 5000. Also, this functionality will work only when user will enter amount in control tab and calculated amount is getting displayed in the “Invoice + Tax” field on Purchase Invoice screen.
![[Fig 3. Purchase Order with 4720 AMT]](
After that we have created Purchase order entry “1012311POH00000011” with 4720 Amount (Including Tax). Refer Fig 3.
Now in this case, system will allow user to create Purchase Invoice transaction against this PO as the total including tax amount is 4720.
![[Fig 4. Purchase Invoice with 4720 AMT]](
As we can see in the above screenshot Fig 4, pop-up message is not getting generated after clicking on create button in Purchase Invoice screen. Purchase Invoice against this PO is created successfully without any error or pop-up message.
It is allowing to create Purchase Invoice against that PO “1012311POH00000011” because amount is less than 5000.
Also, in case of GRN, if GRN is created against PO and that GRN is selected while creating Purchase Invoice then system will check total including tax amount and will restrict if it is greater than 5000. Else it will allow user to create invoice.
Hence with the help of this customization, Purchase Invoice creation will be restricted if the Amount (Invoice + tax) is greater than 5000 and Invoice is getting created against Purchase order.