How to Call “Entry point” from the Code

By | April 27, 2016

As you know we have been blogging for quite a while now, however you might have found very few topics on Entry Point. This blog will help you understand the working of Entry Point in Sage X3.

In our processing file, there are a lot of coding lines and very few codes would be comprehended easily. While observing such a code we found a code where “Entry Point” is called.

The main reason of our interest is suppose anyone wants to tweak or modify values in the code, it could be handled with the help of this Entry Point, which you have created.

Below is the code which is used to call/create the entry point:


GPOINT is assigned with the name of the entry point (i.e. “TWEAK”) which is used.

Here “TWEAK” which is the name of the action which can be fetched.