A critical part of managing risk within an organization is managing the credit available to customers. If you give a customer who may not be in the best financial position credit terms, or too much credit, you may have a hard time collecting what they owe. In addition, you do not want to provide a customer with more or less credit than they have been approved for, as this could trigger similar problems. You can monitor this process and prevent these situations with sage X3 credit limit and credit review capabilities.
To ensure that Customer Credit Control Management is configured correctly and that the authorized limits do yield the correct results, the following setups are important to understand how Sage X3 checks the specified authorized credit limits and prevents possible anomalies or negative balances showing up in Customer Situation inquiries, etc.
In Sage X3 the credit limit is applied at two levels- folder level and company level.
This two-credit limit level works in the following way:
- Folder Level: If the credit limit is on folder level then the credit authorized to a customer will belong to all the companies present in the folder.
- Company Level: If the credit limit is on company level then the credit authorized to the customer will be separate for all the companies present in that particular folder.
Example: Suppose authorized credit of customer is 1000USD then
- If credit limit is on folder level then authorized credit 1000USD will belongs to all the companies present in folder.
- If credit limit is on company level then authorized credit 1000USD will be allocated to each company separately.
Sage X3 can designate whether users are able to allocate or process a delivery for an order if the credit limit has been exceeded.
- This can be set by navigating to Setup, Users, Users.
2. Click the user in question.
3. Click on the Parameter definition tab.
4. Identify the Chapter = VEN (Sales), Group = AUZ (Authorizations), Parameter = SCDTUNL
5. Click the Action box and select Detail.
6. Find the SCDTUNL parameter and change the setting as needed.
- The SCDTUNL parameter is used to set the authorization level for users. It determines if a credit hold can be unlocked on an order and authorizes the allocation, delivery, and the invoicing of an order.
- The options for setting up this parameter are as follows:
- No – The user cannot unlock the credit hold and cannot allocate, delivery, or invoice the order when the bill-to customer has exceeded their authorized credit level
- Yes – The user can unlock the credit hold and can allocate, deliver, or invoice the order when the bill-to customer has exceeded their authorized credit level.