Tag Archives: Barcode

Introduction to Barcode Integration Module (QR Code)

There are several ways that Sage 300 ERP systems can use QR codes to improve traceability, accuracy, and efficiency. These are a few typical uses: Management of Inventory: They allow for quick access to data when scanned, including location, stock levels, item name, description, and other information. Engagement with Suppliers and Customers: Purchase orders can… Read More »

Printing Labels with Barcode Scanner in Sage 300 ERP

As we know Barcode Scanner is implemented as an Add-on in our Sage 300 ERP which helps users to perform physical inventory count more easily, quickly and more accurately. Scanning the Barcode of an Item gives information about that item such as its Name, Price, etc. And once a Barcode is scanned with the Barcode… Read More »

QR code generation for each item on the OE invoice Report screen

As we are aware about Tax invoice report displays sales invoice details of particular customer with details like Item number, Unit price, customer, ship to and bill to details and many more fields. Apart from this one of our client has requested to print QR Code which includes different details like item number, Qty etc.… Read More »

Barcode integration with I/C Transfer Screen in Sage300

Use I/C Transfers screen to: Enter and post stock transfers between physical inventory locations if you store items at more than one location. Import transfer transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from non-Sage 300 programs. Export transfer transactions. Assigning Serial/Lot Numbers to Transfers , if you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking When you… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC internal usage Screen in Sage 300

Use IC internal usage screen to: Record the withdrawal of items from inventory for your own company’s use. For example, an office supply store could take a desk from inventory for a new employee, or use office supplies, such as paper, pencils, and pens. Import internal usage transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC Adjustment Screen in Sage300

Use I/C Adjustment screen to: Adjustment Number (a number to distinguish the transaction from other adjustments for audit control purposes). Description (add any information you want about the adjustment; optional). Adjustment Date (to which you want the transaction posted). Year and Period (to which you want the transaction posted). Reference (for example, the reason for… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC Shipment Screen in Sage300

Use the I/C Shipments screen to: Record shipments of items out of inventory. Record returns of items to inventory (sales returns). Import shipment and sales return transactions from other Sage 300 databases or from non-Sage 300 programs. Export shipment and sales return transactions. New Stuff:– Barcode integration with IC Receipt Screen in Sage300 When you specify… Read More »

Barcode integration with IC Receipt Screen in Sage300

Use the I/C Receipts screen to: Enter and post new receipts of Enter returns and adjustments to incomplete receipts you posted previously. Change the status of incomplete receipts to Complete. Import receipt transactions from other Sage 300 ERP databases or from non-Sage 300 ERP programs. If you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking, assign serial… Read More »