An attachment is a computer file sent along with an email message. One or more files can be attached to any email message, and be sent along with it to the recipient. This is typically used as a simple method to share documents and images.
The Sage software using the X3 technology is used to link any record to any document object (texts, images, office documents, plans). This is carried out using the File/ Attachments menu. Once an attachment exists, a paper clip appears, either at the bottom of the record (client-server) or at the top (Web mode). In this case, another way of making the attachments screen appear consists of double clicking (in client-server mode) or clicking on the icon in question (in Web mode). A window that displays the attachments then appears.
The texts and images can then be either stored in the database or on the document server for which an access path is given. The other documents are only defined by a path on the document server.
Sage X3 changed the way attachments are uploaded and viewed, allowing for source documentation attachments. Attaching source documentation to records eliminates paper and improves efficiency because users can access pertinent information without wasting time searching through file cabinets and folders. Sage X3 now allows you to add attachments to various functions like Purchase Orders, Customers, Vendors, Items, etc. Below are the steps for using attachments in Sage X3.
STEPS 1:- Install the MS Add-Ins for Office from:
Navigate to: Administration -> Utilities -> Installation -> Add Ins for Office
STEPS 2:- Upload a file to a Purchase Requisition:
- Click the attachment paperclip from the right panel of the requisition
- Click add file
- Select the Action button to the right of the ATT volume, and choose Upload file
- Select your file to upload (or drag and drop it into the window) and click OK.
- Click OK
- Make sure the correct Document Type is selected
STEPS 3:- View an attachment from a Purchase Requisition:
- First, ensure browser settings are configured to ‘Allow Pop Ups’.
- Go to the transaction that has the attachment.
- Click the paper clip in the right panel with the green check box.
- An ‘Attachments’ window opens.
- From the ‘Attachments’ window, click the gray circular carrot in the ‘View’ column to open the attachment.
- The attachment will become a rectangular button in the bottom left corner of you screen. If clicked, the attachment will become visible on the screen.
With these documented steps you will be able to add and view important documents and/or images and view them at a later date.
This blog helps to understand the use of Attachments in Sage X3.