Error “Non-blocking difference“ Error format ZDEPCODE K:20B in Sage X3

By | January 25, 2023

In Sage X3, while importing data through one of the custom import templates we came across an error of “Non-blocking difference Error format ZDEPCODE K:20B” in the log:

We’ll be referencing the following screen from Sage X3 for this:

Import/Export template: All -> Setup/Parameters -> Usage -> Import/Export template (GESAOE)

Refer the screenshots for reference:

-Below shown in Fig. 1 are the template fields showing ZDEPCODE that was meant for importing.

New Stuff: Dashboard Not displaying desired decimals

Fig. 1: Fields on template
Fig. 1: Fields on template

-We found the issue was caused by an attempt to import the data via “.txt” text file format. Whereas when importing through no file extension (UNIX file format) the data was successfully imported.

-So after some finding it was observed that on the Import/Export template screen for record separator field the code was as shown in Fig. 2 and upon changing it as shown in Fig. 3 the issue got resolved.

Fig. 2: Code depicting only UNIX format will be accepted
Fig. 2: Code depicting only UNIX format will be accepted
GUMU Integration App
GUMU Integration App

So, by changing the value of the “Record Separator”, we can solve the error – “Error “Non-blocking difference Error format ZDEPCODE K:20B” in Sage X3.