Tag Archives: sage x3 sales invoices

Temporarily Pausing Payment : Placing an Invoice on Hold

In a normal business scenario, invoices play an important role as it is a key part of any business process. An invoice is a document that maintains a record of a transaction between a buyer and seller Easily prevent payment for Supplier BP invoices with our intuitive system. By default, all new Supplier BP invoices… Read More »

How to solve ‘Payment transaction is not of receipt type’ error message in Sage X3

A Payments is like an accountant. It keeps track of who owe whom and how much. Basically it is a transfer of money or assets to another person or business. You may come across a situation where you would like to do payments for the sales invoices. Sometimes while doing payments for sales invoices we… Read More »

How to check for Accounting Codes in Sage X3

Whenever we create any Transactions like Sales or Purchase invoices, we tend to wonder about the accounts this transaction will affect, since the accounts are directly not visible on the transaction screen. We can look for the Journal Entries which will be created in a General ledger to get the accounts which are affected while… Read More »